most unfortunately

美 [moʊst ʌnˈfɔːrtʃənətli]英 [məʊst ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli]
  • adv.不幸地;遗憾地;可惜地;可悲地
  • unfortunately的最高级
most unfortunatelymost unfortunately
  1. Most unfortunately , the whole pitcher of ice cold water was dumped directly into George 's lap .


  2. The notice is most unfortunately phrased .


  3. Most unfortunately , the thief guy told the secret to the deputy of the prison that Scofield and his friends wanted to escape .


  4. There 's nothing quite like motion sickness to ruin summer travel , with symptoms including dizziness , headache , nausea and most unfortunately , vomiting .


  5. Most unfortunately , Professor Trelawney heard him , and it was this , perhaps , that made her give them so much homework at the end of the class .


  6. It happens , most unfortunately , that my mother is going to have an operation in the very month and I have to stay with her , supporting her in her difficult times .


  7. The most unfortunately in life : Because there aren 't any positive enterprising , foresight , sagacity people near you , it causes your life to become mediocre and overshadowed .


  8. Among the PE investment procedures , Due Diligence Investigation is one of the most important ; unfortunately , it is usually ignored in present China PE circle .


  9. Most of it is unfortunately not very audible , but the'thank you 's and'I love you 's are received well by the audience and met with loud cheers in response .
